AG,给排水管道非开挖CIPP修复技术研究综述 作者:向维刚1, 马保松2, 赵雅宏1(1.中国地质大学工程学院,湖北武汉430074;2.中山大学土木工程学院,广东珠海519082)
焦点提醒:给排水管道非开挖CIPP修复手艺研究综述 作者:向维刚1, 马保松2, 赵雅宏1(1.中国地质年夜学项目学院,湖北武汉430074;2.中山年夜学土木匠程学院,广东珠海519082)[1]向维刚,马保松,赵雅宏.给排水管道非开挖CIPP修复手艺研究综述[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(20):1-9. XIANG Wei-gang,MA Bao-song,ZHAO Ya-hong.Research Review on Trenchless CIPP Repair Technology in Water Supply and Drainage Pipes[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(20):1-9.点击复制
给排水管道非开挖CIPP修复手艺研究综述中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]卷:第36卷期数:2020年第20期页码:1-9栏目:出书日期:2020-10-17- Title:
- Research Review on Trenchless CIPP Repair Technology in Water Supply and Drainage Pipes
- 要害词:
- 非开挖修复;原位固化法;布局刚度;弹性不变性;管周土压力
- Keywords:
- trenchless reAG����APPpair;CIPP;structural stiffness;elastic stability;peripheral earth pressure
- 摘要:
- CIPP(原位固化法)作为一种主要的非开挖管道修复手艺,具有施工速度快、工期短、内衬管与原管道慎密贴合、内衬管持续且概况滑腻等长处,被普遍利用在污水管道、供水管道等给水排水管道的修复和更新。在充实调研国表里对该手艺的研究根本上,重点引见了最近几年来国表里CIPP修复手艺在弹性不变性、布局刚度、强度(承载力)和管周土压力等方面的研究环境,指出了今朝在CIPP设想进程中具有的缺点和将来的研究标的目的。扼要引见了我国CIPP修复手艺的项目实践和面对的问题与挑战,为进一步研究内衬管的布局受力特征供给参考。
- Abstract:
- As an important trenchless pipeline repair technology, CIPP (Cured-In-Place Pipe) is widely used in the repair and renewal of sewage pipeline, and water supply pipeline and other water supply and drainage pipeline due to its advantages of fast construction speed, short construction period, tight fitting between the lining pipe and the original pipe, continuous lining pipe and smooth surface, etc. Based on a sufficient investigation of domestic and foreign research on CIPP repair technology, this paper reviewed the parameters of CIPP repair technology, including the elastic stability, structural stiffness, strength (bearing capacity) and peripheral earth pressure. This work points out the current defects in CIPP design and future research directions. In conclusion, we briefly introduce the engineering practice of CIPP repair technology in China, as well as the problems and challenges it faces, which could provide reference for further research on the mechanical characteristics of lining pipe.
[1]张叮叮.给水年夜口径钢管穿插刚性管长距修复利用案例阐发[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(16):121.ZHANG Ding-ding.Application of Large-diameter Steel Pipe Slip Lining with Rigid Pipeline in Long-distance Trenchless Rehabilitation[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(20):121.[2]史国棚,马保松,杨超,等.水泥沙浆喷涂法修复钢筋混凝土管道布局机能[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(20):32.SHI Guo-peng,MA Bao-song,YANG Chao,et al.Structural Performance of Reinforced Concrete Pipe Repaired by Cement Mortar Spraying Method[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(20):32.[3]周杨军,蒋仕兰,解铭,等.非开挖修复手艺在城市排水管道保护中的利用[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(20):58.ZHOU Yang-jun,JIANG Shi-lan,XIE Ming,et al.Application of Trenchless Repair Technology in Urban Drainage Pipeline Maintenance[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(20):58.
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- English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]向维刚,马保松,赵雅宏.给排水管道非开挖CIPP修复手艺研究综述[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(20):1-9. XIANG Wei-gang,MA Bao-song,ZHAO Ya-hong.Research Review on Trenchless CIPP Repair Technology in Water Supply and Drainage Pipes[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(20):1-9.点击复制
给排水管道非开挖CIPP修复手艺研究综述中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]卷:第36卷期数:2020年第20期页码:1-9栏目:出书日期:2020-10-17- Title:
- Research Review on Trenchless CIPP Repair Technology in Water Supply and Drainage Pipes
- 要害词:
- 非开挖修复;原位固化法;布局刚度;弹性不变性;管周土压力
- Keywords:
- trenchless repair;CIPP;structural stiffness;elastic stability;peripheral earth pressure
- 摘要:
- CIPP(原位固化法)作为一种主要的非开挖管道修复手艺,具有施工速度快、工期短、内衬管与原管道慎密贴合、内衬管持续且概况滑腻等长处,被普遍利用在污水管道、供水管道等给水排水管道的修复和更新。在充实调研国表里对该手艺的研究根本上,重点引见了最近几年来国表里CIPP修复手艺在弹性不变性、布局刚度、强度(承载力)和管周土压力等方面的研究环境,指出了今朝在CIPP设想进程中具有的缺点和将来的研究标的目的。扼要引见了我国CIPP修复手艺的项目实践和面对的问题与挑战,为进一步研究内衬管的布局受力特征供给参考。
- Abstract:
- As an important trenchless pipeline repair technology, CIPP (Cured-In-Place Pipe) is widely used in the repair and renewal of sewage pipeline, and water supply pipeline and other water supply and drainage pipeline due to its advantages of fast construction speed, short construction period, tight fitting between the lining pipe and the original pipe, continuous lining pipe and smooth surface, etc. Based on a sufficient investigation of domestic and foreign research on CIPP repair technology, this paper reviewed the parameters of CIPP repair technology, including the elastic stability, structural stiffness, strength (bearing capacity) and peripheral earth pressure. This work points out the current defects in CIPP design and future research directions. In conclusion, we briefly introduce the engineering practice of CIPP repair technology in China, as well as the problems and challenges it faces, which could provide reference for further research on the mechanical characteristics of lining pipe.
上一篇:AG,投加污泥发酵液通过短程硝化-反硝化和部分厌氧氨氧化实现低C/N比市政污水的深度脱氮 作者: Shengjie Qiu (邱圣杰), Jinjin Liu (刘瑾瑾), Liang Zhang (
焦点提醒:给排水管道非开挖CIPP修复手艺研究综述 作者:向维刚1, 马保松2, 赵雅宏1(1.中国地质年夜学项目学院,湖北武汉430074;2.中山年夜学土木匠程学院,广东珠海519082)[1]向维刚,马保松,赵雅宏.给排水管道非开挖CIPP修复手艺研究综述[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(20):1-9. XIANG Wei-gang,MA Bao-song,ZHAO Ya-hong.Research Review on Trenchless CIPP Repair Technology in Water Supply and Drainage Pipes[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(20):1-9.点击复制
给排水管道非开挖CIPP修复手艺研究综述中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]卷:第36卷期数:2020年第20期页码:1-9栏目:出书日期:2020-10-17- Title:
- Research Review on Trenchless CIPP Repair Technology in Water Supply and Drainage Pipes
- 要害词:
- 非开挖修复;原位固化法;布局刚度;弹性不变性;管周土压力
- Keywords:
- trenchless reAG����APPpair;CIPP;structural stiffness;elastic stability;peripheral earth pressure
- 摘要:
- CIPP(原位固化法)作为一种主要的非开挖管道修复手艺,具有施工速度快、工期短、内衬管与原管道慎密贴合、内衬管持续且概况滑腻等长处,被普遍利用在污水管道、供水管道等给水排水管道的修复和更新。在充实调研国表里对该手艺的研究根本上,重点引见了最近几年来国表里CIPP修复手艺在弹性不变性、布局刚度、强度(承载力)和管周土压力等方面的研究环境,指出了今朝在CIPP设想进程中具有的缺点和将来的研究标的目的。扼要引见了我国CIPP修复手艺的项目实践和面对的问题与挑战,为进一步研究内衬管的布局受力特征供给参考。
- Abstract:
- As an important trenchless pipeline repair technology, CIPP (Cured-In-Place Pipe) is widely used in the repair and renewal of sewage pipeline, and water supply pipeline and other water supply and drainage pipeline due to its advantages of fast construction speed, short construction period, tight fitting between the lining pipe and the original pipe, continuous lining pipe and smooth surface, etc. Based on a sufficient investigation of domestic and foreign research on CIPP repair technology, this paper reviewed the parameters of CIPP repair technology, including the elastic stability, structural stiffness, strength (bearing capacity) and peripheral earth pressure. This work points out the current defects in CIPP design and future research directions. In conclusion, we briefly introduce the engineering practice of CIPP repair technology in China, as well as the problems and challenges it faces, which could provide reference for further research on the mechanical characteristics of lining pipe.
[1]张叮叮.给水年夜口径钢管穿插刚性管长距修复利用案例阐发[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(16):121.ZHANG Ding-ding.Application of Large-diameter Steel Pipe Slip Lining with Rigid Pipeline in Long-distance Trenchless Rehabilitation[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(20):121.[2]史国棚,马保松,杨超,等.水泥沙浆喷涂法修复钢筋混凝土管道布局机能[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(20):32.SHI Guo-peng,MA Bao-song,YANG Chao,et al.Structural Performance of Reinforced Concrete Pipe Repaired by Cement Mortar Spraying Method[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(20):32.[3]周杨军,蒋仕兰,解铭,等.非开挖修复手艺在城市排水管道保护中的利用[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(20):58.ZHOU Yang-jun,JIANG Shi-lan,XIE Ming,et al.Application of Trenchless Repair Technology in Urban Drainage Pipeline Maintenance[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(20):58.
更新日期/Last Update:2020-10-17- 首 页
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- English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]向维刚,马保松,赵雅宏.给排水管道非开挖CIPP修复手艺研究综述[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(20):1-9. XIANG Wei-gang,MA Bao-song,ZHAO Ya-hong.Research Review on Trenchless CIPP Repair Technology in Water Supply and Drainage Pipes[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(20):1-9.点击复制
- Title:
- Research Review on Trenchless CIPP Repair Technology in Water Supply and Drainage Pipes
- 要害词:
- 非开挖修复;原位固化法;布局刚度;弹性不变性;管周土压力
- Keywords:
- trenchless repair;CIPP;structural stiffness;elastic stability;peripheral earth pressure
- 摘要:
- CIPP(原位固化法)作为一种主要的非开挖管道修复手艺,具有施工速度快、工期短、内衬管与原管道慎密贴合、内衬管持续且概况滑腻等长处,被普遍利用在污水管道、供水管道等给水排水管道的修复和更新。在充实调研国表里对该手艺的研究根本上,重点引见了最近几年来国表里CIPP修复手艺在弹性不变性、布局刚度、强度(承载力)和管周土压力等方面的研究环境,指出了今朝在CIPP设想进程中具有的缺点和将来的研究标的目的。扼要引见了我国CIPP修复手艺的项目实践和面对的问题与挑战,为进一步研究内衬管的布局受力特征供给参考。
- Abstract:
- As an important trenchless pipeline repair technology, CIPP (Cured-In-Place Pipe) is widely used in the repair and renewal of sewage pipeline, and water supply pipeline and other water supply and drainage pipeline due to its advantages of fast construction speed, short construction period, tight fitting between the lining pipe and the original pipe, continuous lining pipe and smooth surface, etc. Based on a sufficient investigation of domestic and foreign research on CIPP repair technology, this paper reviewed the parameters of CIPP repair technology, including the elastic stability, structural stiffness, strength (bearing capacity) and peripheral earth pressure. This work points out the current defects in CIPP design and future research directions. In conclusion, we briefly introduce the engineering practice of CIPP repair technology in China, as well as the problems and challenges it faces, which could provide reference for further research on the mechanical characteristics of lining pipe.
上一篇:AG,投加污泥发酵液通过短程硝化-反硝化和部分厌氧氨氧化实现低C/N比市政污水的深度脱氮 作者: Shengjie Qiu (邱圣杰), Jinjin Liu (刘瑾瑾), Liang Zhang (TOP