AG,污泥焚烧灰分磷回收潜力分析及其市场前景 作者:郝晓地1, 于文波1, 时琛1, 程忠红2(1.北京建筑大学城市雨水系统与水环境教育部重点实验室中-荷污水处理技术研发中心,北京100044;2.苏伊士
焦点提醒:污泥燃烧灰分磷收受接管潜力阐发和其市场前景 作者:郝晓地1, 在文波1, 时琛1, 程忠红2(1.北京建筑年夜学城市雨水系统与水情况教育部重点尝试室中-荷污水处置手艺研发中间,北京100044;2.苏伊士新建立无限公司,北京100026)[1]郝晓地,在文波,时琛,等.污泥燃烧灰分磷收受接管潜力阐发和其市场前景[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(4):5-10. HAO Xiao-di,YU Wen-bo,SHI Chen,et al.Potential Analysis and Market Prospects of Phosphorus Recovery from the Bottom Ashes of Sludge Incineration[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(4):5-10.点击复制
污泥燃烧灰分磷收受接管潜力阐发和其市场前景中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]卷:第37卷期数:2021年第4期页码:5-10栏目:出书日期:2021-02-17- Title:
- Potential Analysis and Market Prospects of Phosphorus Recovery from the Bottom Ashes of Sludge Incineration
- 要害词:
- 污水处置;污泥燃烧;污泥灰分;磷收受接管;再生磷肥;矿石磷肥
- Keywords:
- wastewater treatment;sludge incineration;bottom ash;phosphorus recovery;recovered phosphate fertilizers;rock phosphate fertilizers
- 摘要:
- 磷资本不成替换又不克不及再生。现代工业掠夺磷矿年夜多用在磷肥出产,经由过程作物收成的食粮、蔬菜和豢养畜禽肉类进入人体,而随食品进入人体的年夜大都磷(90%)会随分泌物进入污水(无粪尿返田环境)。虽然终究进入污水中的磷占开采磷矿的比例很小(<5%),但这是人类除动物粪便与作物秸秆外独一可能实现磷人工轮回的位点,相对转移进作物中的磷来讲该比例跨越1/4。是以,在烧毁粪尿返田之原生态习惯的环境下,从污水处置进程中收受接管磷则显得很是主要。今朝从污水处置进程中收受接管磷具有很多体例与产物,而与污泥燃烧灰分相干的磷收受接管水平最高,可达90%。为此,起首基在全球磷资本危机与我国磷流向和其估算,揭露磷收受接管的需要性和迫切性。然后,对与污泥燃烧相干的灰分磷收受接管手艺和潜伏利用进行总结和阐发。最初,按照肥效尝试与本钱估算,认定灰分再生磷肥比保守矿石磷肥具有潜伏市场前景,特殊是它的可延续意义。
- Abstract:
- Phosphorus resources are irreplaceable and non-renewable either. Modern industry grabs phosphorus ores mainly for synthesizing phosphate fertilizers, and most of phosphorus (90%) entering human bodies via the food chains (crops, vegetables and meats) is finally transported into wastewater (without excreta returning to farmlands) discharged by human beings. Although phosphorus entering wastewater only accounts for a small proportion of phosphate ores (<5%) compared to exploited P-ores, this is the only site possibly recovering phosphorus besides animal manure and straws, which takes a share of >25% of phosphorus transported into crops. Under the circumstance of giving up excreta returning to farmlands, thus, recovering phosphorus from wastewater is very important. There are many approaches to recovering phosphorus and its products from wastewater nowadays. Phosphorus recovery relating to the bottom ashes of excess sludge incineration could reach up to the highest extent, up to 90%. Based on the global phosphorus crisis and its flowing patterns and evaluations in China, the article first revealed the importance and urgency of phosphorus recovery, followed by summarizing and analyzing the associated techniques and potential applications of phosphorus recovery from the bottom ashes. According to the fertilizer values and estimated prices, recovered phosphorus fertilizers from the bottom ashes could be finally believed to have a better market prospect than synthesized phosphate fertilizers, in particular which is sustainable.
[1]张莹,王昌稳,李军,等.投加微粉强化低浓度糊口污水活性污泥好氧颗粒化[J].中国给水排水,2018,34(21):12.ZHANG Ying,WANG Chang wen,LI Jun,et al.Strengthening Aerobic Granulation of Activated Sludge by Adding Micro Powder in Low Concentration Sewage Treatment[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(4):12.[2]卢如,巨志剑,杜琼.采取A/O工艺的污水处置厂提标革新项目设想[J].中国给水排水,2AG����APP018,34(20):56.LU Ru,JU Zhi jian,DU Qiong.Upgrading and Reconstruction Project Design of Wastewater Treatment Plant with A/O Process[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(4):56.[3]王连杰,李金河,郑兴灿,等.城镇污水系统中病毒特征和纪律相干研究阐发[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(6):14.[4]顾玉中,黄学军,金秋景,等.污水处置厂轴流泵电流爬升的缘由和处理方式[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(10):119.[5]王凯,高波,张磊,等.危废措置中间污水份质处置工艺设想和运转经验[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(16):69.WANG Kai,GAO Bo,ZHANG Lei,et al.Experience in Design and Operation of Wastewater Separate Treatment in the Hazardous Waste Disposal Center[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(4):69.[6]李爽,王朝阳,郝晓地,等.全生命周期评价在污水处置中的研究与利用[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(18):32.LI Shuang,WANG Xiang-yang,HAO Xiao-di,et al.Research and Application of Life Cycle Assessment in Wastewater Treatment[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(4):32.[7]尹真真,赵丽,规模,等.城市糊口污水厂处置工业废水的运营治理对策[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(24):54.YIN Zhen-zhen,ZHAO Li,FAN Wei,et al.Suggestions on Operation and Management of Urban Domestic Sewage Treatment Plant Handled Industrial Wastewater[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(4):54.[8]Jan Vymazal,卫婷,赵亚乾,等.细数动物在人工湿地污水处置中的感化[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(2):25.Jan Vymazal,WEI Ting,ZHAO Ya-qian,et al.Counting the Roles of Plants in Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(4):25.[9]彭冠平,黄文海,刘军,等.武汉火神山、雷神山病院污水处置项目设想[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(2):42.PENG Guan-ping,HUANG Wen-hai,LIU Jun,et al.Sewage Treatment Project Design of Wuhan Huoshenshan and Leishenshan Hospitals[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(4):42.[10]何家仪.喷鼻港沙头角污水厂扩建项目的聪明治理和消息化扶植[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(2):72.Carol HO Ka-yee.Smart Management and Digitalized Construction for Expansion Project of Sha Tau Kok Sewage Treatment Works in Hong Kong[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(4):72.
更新日期/Last Update:2021-02-17
上一篇:AG,基于主流厌氧氨氧化的AB工艺应用前景 姜 姗, 付昆明, 苏雪莹, 仇付国, 廖敏辉(北京建筑大学城市雨水系统与水环境教育部重点实验室 中-荷污水处理技术研发中心, 北京 100044)
焦点提醒:污泥燃烧灰分磷收受接管潜力阐发和其市场前景 作者:郝晓地1, 在文波1, 时琛1, 程忠红2(1.北京建筑年夜学城市雨水系统与水情况教育部重点尝试室中-荷污水处置手艺研发中间,北京100044;2.苏伊士新建立无限公司,北京100026)[1]郝晓地,在文波,时琛,等.污泥燃烧灰分磷收受接管潜力阐发和其市场前景[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(4):5-10. HAO Xiao-di,YU Wen-bo,SHI Chen,et al.Potential Analysis and Market Prospects of Phosphorus Recovery from the Bottom Ashes of Sludge Incineration[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(4):5-10.点击复制
污泥燃烧灰分磷收受接管潜力阐发和其市场前景中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]卷:第37卷期数:2021年第4期页码:5-10栏目:出书日期:2021-02-17- Title:
- Potential Analysis and Market Prospects of Phosphorus Recovery from the Bottom Ashes of Sludge Incineration
- 要害词:
- 污水处置;污泥燃烧;污泥灰分;磷收受接管;再生磷肥;矿石磷肥
- Keywords:
- wastewater treatment;sludge incineration;bottom ash;phosphorus recovery;recovered phosphate fertilizers;rock phosphate fertilizers
- 摘要:
- 磷资本不成替换又不克不及再生。现代工业掠夺磷矿年夜多用在磷肥出产,经由过程作物收成的食粮、蔬菜和豢养畜禽肉类进入人体,而随食品进入人体的年夜大都磷(90%)会随分泌物进入污水(无粪尿返田环境)。虽然终究进入污水中的磷占开采磷矿的比例很小(<5%),但这是人类除动物粪便与作物秸秆外独一可能实现磷人工轮回的位点,相对转移进作物中的磷来讲该比例跨越1/4。是以,在烧毁粪尿返田之原生态习惯的环境下,从污水处置进程中收受接管磷则显得很是主要。今朝从污水处置进程中收受接管磷具有很多体例与产物,而与污泥燃烧灰分相干的磷收受接管水平最高,可达90%。为此,起首基在全球磷资本危机与我国磷流向和其估算,揭露磷收受接管的需要性和迫切性。然后,对与污泥燃烧相干的灰分磷收受接管手艺和潜伏利用进行总结和阐发。最初,按照肥效尝试与本钱估算,认定灰分再生磷肥比保守矿石磷肥具有潜伏市场前景,特殊是它的可延续意义。
- Abstract:
- Phosphorus resources are irreplaceable and non-renewable either. Modern industry grabs phosphorus ores mainly for synthesizing phosphate fertilizers, and most of phosphorus (90%) entering human bodies via the food chains (crops, vegetables and meats) is finally transported into wastewater (without excreta returning to farmlands) discharged by human beings. Although phosphorus entering wastewater only accounts for a small proportion of phosphate ores (<5%) compared to exploited P-ores, this is the only site possibly recovering phosphorus besides animal manure and straws, which takes a share of >25% of phosphorus transported into crops. Under the circumstance of giving up excreta returning to farmlands, thus, recovering phosphorus from wastewater is very important. There are many approaches to recovering phosphorus and its products from wastewater nowadays. Phosphorus recovery relating to the bottom ashes of excess sludge incineration could reach up to the highest extent, up to 90%. Based on the global phosphorus crisis and its flowing patterns and evaluations in China, the article first revealed the importance and urgency of phosphorus recovery, followed by summarizing and analyzing the associated techniques and potential applications of phosphorus recovery from the bottom ashes. According to the fertilizer values and estimated prices, recovered phosphorus fertilizers from the bottom ashes could be finally believed to have a better market prospect than synthesized phosphate fertilizers, in particular which is sustainable.
[1]张莹,王昌稳,李军,等.投加微粉强化低浓度糊口污水活性污泥好氧颗粒化[J].中国给水排水,2018,34(21):12.ZHANG Ying,WANG Chang wen,LI Jun,et al.Strengthening Aerobic Granulation of Activated Sludge by Adding Micro Powder in Low Concentration Sewage Treatment[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(4):12.[2]卢如,巨志剑,杜琼.采取A/O工艺的污水处置厂提标革新项目设想[J].中国给水排水,2AG����APP018,34(20):56.LU Ru,JU Zhi jian,DU Qiong.Upgrading and Reconstruction Project Design of Wastewater Treatment Plant with A/O Process[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(4):56.[3]王连杰,李金河,郑兴灿,等.城镇污水系统中病毒特征和纪律相干研究阐发[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(6):14.[4]顾玉中,黄学军,金秋景,等.污水处置厂轴流泵电流爬升的缘由和处理方式[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(10):119.[5]王凯,高波,张磊,等.危废措置中间污水份质处置工艺设想和运转经验[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(16):69.WANG Kai,GAO Bo,ZHANG Lei,et al.Experience in Design and Operation of Wastewater Separate Treatment in the Hazardous Waste Disposal Center[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(4):69.[6]李爽,王朝阳,郝晓地,等.全生命周期评价在污水处置中的研究与利用[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(18):32.LI Shuang,WANG Xiang-yang,HAO Xiao-di,et al.Research and Application of Life Cycle Assessment in Wastewater Treatment[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(4):32.[7]尹真真,赵丽,规模,等.城市糊口污水厂处置工业废水的运营治理对策[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(24):54.YIN Zhen-zhen,ZHAO Li,FAN Wei,et al.Suggestions on Operation and Management of Urban Domestic Sewage Treatment Plant Handled Industrial Wastewater[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(4):54.[8]Jan Vymazal,卫婷,赵亚乾,等.细数动物在人工湿地污水处置中的感化[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(2):25.Jan Vymazal,WEI Ting,ZHAO Ya-qian,et al.Counting the Roles of Plants in Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(4):25.[9]彭冠平,黄文海,刘军,等.武汉火神山、雷神山病院污水处置项目设想[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(2):42.PENG Guan-ping,HUANG Wen-hai,LIU Jun,et al.Sewage Treatment Project Design of Wuhan Huoshenshan and Leishenshan Hospitals[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(4):42.[10]何家仪.喷鼻港沙头角污水厂扩建项目的聪明治理和消息化扶植[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(2):72.Carol HO Ka-yee.Smart Management and Digitalized Construction for Expansion Project of Sha Tau Kok Sewage Treatment Works in Hong Kong[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(4):72.
更新日期/Last Update:2021-02-17上一篇:AG,基于主流厌氧氨氧化的AB工艺应用前景 姜 姗, 付昆明, 苏雪莹, 仇付国, 廖敏辉(北京建筑大学城市雨水系统与水环境教育部重点实验室 中-荷污水处理技术研发中心, 北京 100044)